Saturday, November 2, 2013

A letter to the one who made me "Mommy" on his 8th birthday

Dearest Mikey Mouse:

You've asked me to start blogging again, so here is the first of many birthday surprises for you!  I hope this eighth year of life brings you less heartache and more joy. I look at the young man you have become - and are becoming - and I am filled with pride. You are an amazing little boy. I love that on one hand, you can network a computer... but on the other hand you have no shame letting loose, dancing with Mommy & Colin & Harley in the living room everyday. 

When you were a baby, I'd sing to you to calm you during baths (and just a lot in general - my oh my, sweet boy, you cried a lot as a baby!): "Take my heart Lord and mold me, Holy Spirit console me, take my life, Lord, and draw me to Yourself, and sing to me your melodies of love." And Mikey - I do see God at work in your life! I see Him healing your body. I see Him working on your heart:  Although you like things to be your way, you are still kind, gentle, and loving. 

I adore you, my first son, and I look forward to all the adventures this year brings for us - trips, vacations, concerts. I will not ever again let myself be anything other than fully your's, fully your brother's, and always available to you. 

Continue to grow & be a "whosoever" my sweet boy [John 3:16], for a path with Jesus is ALWAYS the right path. Take time to put the iPod down & enjoy life beyond the screen.  Your brother is your very best friend in life - take it easy on him.  Play baseball - you're amazing. Keep making people laugh & making friends - your friendship is something to be treasured!  

Remember to listen to the things I teach you - nobody can possibly understand this bond you & I share, my boy, but you are mine and I am yours & I want everything amazing for you.  

I love you, Mousey!
 ❤ Mommy

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